

A lot to report.

I move out of my current apartment in like two weeks. Wowser, time really flies by. But from there I'm moving about 3 blocks away. Ha ha.  =] I'm moving in with one of the coolest chicks I know, and one of the coolest guys I know. So it should be pretty great.

I'm uber tired at the moment, and still have 7hrs of work left. Ridiculous right? Why is it that it's almost impossible to feel cute in work clothes? In fact I feel rather hideous. Ugh. Every time I go home after working, the first thing I do when I walk in, is strip off this forsaken work uniform. GROSS. Anyway.

Tired tired.

What else is going on that I can ramble about and waste a little time.

Oh poop I dont know.

So with the great luck that I have, last week I got pulled over for going about 10 over the speed limit...which should have been no big deal, because half of the people that I know, go ten over. But whatever, so he was going to give me a warning and let me leave. Really nice cop. Well come to find out, my license got suspended because I had a seatbelt ticket that I hadn't paid yet. Ugh. So I had to get that taken care of and whatever. Dumb luck that I have.

I worked close to 70hrs last week between both jobs. My body is sore and I think I'm burnt out. I took two days off this week to try and recover, but no luck. I'm still drained to the max. Blah.

Well 6 more hours to go and then I will be finished with THIS job. And then I think I may go for a little run, go to the mall and buy these cute capris I've had my eye on for a while, go home and cuddle up with the most amazing guy ever, pass out for a few hours, get up and get ready for my OTHER job. The cuddling part is the part I'm really looking forward to   =]  I'm so lame, but cuddling with him is one of the best things. Hands down.

Well until another day. Or night.

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