


All moved into the new apartment, and most of the painting and all that jazz is complete. HOORAY! About time. I forgot how much stress moving can cause. I was literally at the end of my rope with this and with that.  So it's great to be finished with that. I feel bad for Dylan though because I guess I kind of made our room maybe a little girly. Ha ha. So I guess I should probably change that and maybe make it a little unisex. =]


I have the absolute worst luck. EVER. Let me list off a few examples of this because I guess I find it to be kind of amusing. And I try not to feel bad for myself, and try to laugh it off. Sometimes it can be hard though. Okay, list!

One time I was on my way to college, and well I'm not too great with directions, so I was going the wrong way for about an hour and a half, and my car started on fire. Literally. My engine caught on fire..from lack of oil in my car. Ha ha. OH, and then I get out of my car (and its the middle of the night) to find out my cell phone is dead. Then once the cop got there, I also found out that the registration on my license plate was expired and my license was expired too. FML.

One time when I was coloring my hair, it fell out. Hence my shortish hair cut now.

One time when I was running late for work, I forgot to put my seatbelt on because I was in such a hurry, I got pulled over. Got a ticket. Then when I was about two minutes away from work, I ran out of gas. Not to mention it was raining outside. I was pretty close to a gas station, so I ran to the gas station with my gas can, filled it up. Went to car to find out that one gas can full of gas was not enough to start it, so had to go back to the gas station and fill up again. In the rain. Needless to say, I looked great by the time I got to work (where a boy, my boyfriend now, I had the biggest crush on, worked). FML.

I dont even want to mention how many boy issues I've had. But let's just say that I've had enough for you and me both. Every boyfriend I've ever had, has cheated on me. Yup every last one. But the boyfriend I have now isn't like all of those other boys, so I'm good on that issue now. Let's just say I finally have found good luck in the dating world =] And every time I would get moderately close to a boy, and think that I really liked them, they would somehow screw me over.

When the winter times rolls around, my car tends to like the ditch. A lot.

One time when I was going to beauty school, I used to have a debit card. Bad idea. Well one of my direct deposit checks didn't get deposited correctly, or the pay date was different, or something like that. And I ended up accumulating about 300$ worth of overdraft fees. Making my checking account have a balance of around -$580.00. Awesome. Needless to say, I got rid of my debit card. OH, and switched banks. Never ever use Associated Bank. They will screw you over and over again. And love it.

When I have pretty big ocassions, or a hot date, it never fails, I break out or something insane like that. Ugh, it's the worst to have a date with a huge pimple on your face. Gotta love hormones.

One time when I was living in this little po-dunk town called North Freedom...my brother ended up hanging out with some chick who had a boyfriend, which he didnt know about, and at this same time, he had been borrowing my car. Well he ended up making out with this slutty 14 yr old chick, and her boyfriend found out about it. Well the next morning, which was Easter btw, I went out to my car to find a rock thrown through my back windshield. This little punk boy thought that MY car was my brother's car. Um, yeah. Because I'm sure that a 16 yr old boy(my brother) would have an Edward Cullen bumper sticker on their car that says I love boys who sparkle. Makes perfect sense. Ugh.

I got pulled over for going 6 over the speed limit on hwy 12. Which is prettt common for speeding. So I was literally keep up with traffic, but having my luck, was the one pulled over. Then I found out that my license had been suspended. Why may you ask? Because of a 10$ seatbelt ticket. The one I had recieved when I was running late on that raining day. Then when I was taken home by police officer, because he wouldn't let me drive home, I realized that I had left my apartment key in my car. On hwy 12. FML.

I mean you kind of get the hint, right?? I just have horrible luck. Oh, not to mention that I broke a mirror at work like three weeks ago. So we'll see how much worse it gets. So when you think that you have it really bad, just remember, it can be much worse.



So apparently you're not supposed to blog/twitter/myspace/facebook etc etc about your job. I guess it's something that's frowned upon and is just reason to get fired.

Um, well I guess they can fire me because I'm going to take advantage of free speech...

People at this hotel can kiss my ass. All of them. I run into a nice person, well barely ever. Maybe 1 in 8 people are NICE. The rest are just jerks who have nothing better to do other than give me a hard time. Because they automatically think that I am in utter control of every fucking thing that goes on in this forsaken hotel. Yeah, that's definitely not the case. Here at the front desk, I am a messenger. I take the call and then pass it along. If that person doesn't carry out their job, that is NOT my fault. And I could honestly care less.
A guy came to the front desk at 6:30am and asked what time the coffee shop opened. I say 7am. He then asks well is there anywhere else to get coffee. I say, not in the hotel until 7am when the coffee shop opens. He then rolls his eyes and as he starts to walk away I start to mention that there is a M Dons he can get coffee at. But nope he keeps walking and ignores me.
It shouldnt be a big deal. But that was the topping on a wonderful night. Slight sarcasm in that last statement. I mean come on. What a fucking jerk. Anyway.

Enough about my lame job. It pays the bills for now so I'm over it.

Today is going to be a long day. But I'm going out with a few friends tonight, so I'm going to work my ass off to make some nice tips and spend it all tonight. MWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! =] Should be a good night.

Oh, and for everyone who cares, New Moon came out on DVD today. Yup!

Well nothing else of importance going on. Just working a lot, packing here and there, loving the hell out of my amazing boyfriend, and sleeping ocassionally. Life is good. Minus annoying job.



A lot to report.

I move out of my current apartment in like two weeks. Wowser, time really flies by. But from there I'm moving about 3 blocks away. Ha ha.  =] I'm moving in with one of the coolest chicks I know, and one of the coolest guys I know. So it should be pretty great.

I'm uber tired at the moment, and still have 7hrs of work left. Ridiculous right? Why is it that it's almost impossible to feel cute in work clothes? In fact I feel rather hideous. Ugh. Every time I go home after working, the first thing I do when I walk in, is strip off this forsaken work uniform. GROSS. Anyway.

Tired tired.

What else is going on that I can ramble about and waste a little time.

Oh poop I dont know.

So with the great luck that I have, last week I got pulled over for going about 10 over the speed limit...which should have been no big deal, because half of the people that I know, go ten over. But whatever, so he was going to give me a warning and let me leave. Really nice cop. Well come to find out, my license got suspended because I had a seatbelt ticket that I hadn't paid yet. Ugh. So I had to get that taken care of and whatever. Dumb luck that I have.

I worked close to 70hrs last week between both jobs. My body is sore and I think I'm burnt out. I took two days off this week to try and recover, but no luck. I'm still drained to the max. Blah.

Well 6 more hours to go and then I will be finished with THIS job. And then I think I may go for a little run, go to the mall and buy these cute capris I've had my eye on for a while, go home and cuddle up with the most amazing guy ever, pass out for a few hours, get up and get ready for my OTHER job. The cuddling part is the part I'm really looking forward to   =]  I'm so lame, but cuddling with him is one of the best things. Hands down.

Well until another day. Or night.



It rained today.
I absolutely, without a doubt, love the rain. It's my favorite kind of weather..but it has to be the nice warm rain. Rain during snow isn't so great, but every other kind is.

I'm not sure why I like the rain so much. I think maybe because it just seems so peaceful to me. It puts my soul at ease I guess you could say. I'm probably going to sound crazy when I say this...but it seems to rain either when I'm having a really bad day or a really good day. It's so weird, but it never fails. It rained today, and I was happy today.

Anyway, enough about the weather.

Tomorrow is Thursday. And I have off tomorrow night. HOORAY! I have to work at the salon from like noon til 5 or something, but after that it's a night of R&R with the boyfriend. Which will be great considering I haven't seen him for more than 3 hours a day in the past week. And I miss him.  =] 

Then my next day off isn't until Sunday. Lots and lots of work. Ugh. I need to work to pay the bills though, so I guess I don't have a choice. Life isn't easy and I know this from experience.
I'm glad my parents didn't hand me everything and I was one of the kids who had to work for everything they wanted. I think it made me a better person. More responsible and all that jazz. Whatever, anyway.

I think that's all I have to ramble about tonight. Maybe.



My life has become a blur. I lose track of days and I often find myself questioning what I did the past week. Or even day. Time is going by too fast and running out. I just feel like I can't grasp anything lately. It's such a weird feeling, and I dont like it. I wish that life wasn't so difficult sometimes. And that money didn't make the world go 'round. I like to think it doesn't, and I tend to think that love should make the world go 'round. but it's so difficult to believe this when you're working two jobs, trying to make end's meat to afford an apartment, a car payment, a cell phone bill, and food here and there to survive. 

I want to live off of love. I'm so sick of being so dependent upon money. It's rather depressing. And I hate that the world is like this.     

But I've been one to say that if you dont like something about your life, then change it. And I definitely know that it's easier said than done. But I honestly believe that's how it has to be. No one can change your life, but you. And I'm not saying that I have a bad life, whatsoever. I'm just saying that there are a few things that could use a little revamp. Such as my job. One of the two are horrible and I've been saying this for months. 

So why don't I do something about it? Because it pays well. It makes the world go 'round. It allows me to pay my stupid bills, and have a good time every once in a while. 

But isn't it better to be happy and poor than 'rich' and unhappy? I'd like to think so. What I would like even more is to think there could be a happy medium to both of these. That's what I'm searching for. Being happy and stable in my financial situation. 
I do not see myself remaining at this hotel for the rest of my life(thank god). I honestly don't see myself being here by the end of the year...and I honestly believe that when I leave this job, I'll be loads happier. 

3rd shift jobs mess with your mind and state of being. I've done this particular 3rd shift job for about a year and a half. Wow. I think it's bringing me down, and I don't like that at all....

So, what am I going to do about it?

Change it. ASAP. Promise.  




Im moving into a new place with my best friend Katie. We're painting tonight, and I'm pretty pumped about it. Let me explain the place a little bit.

It has vaulted ceilings, two bedrooms, a huge living room/dining room, small kitchen, laundry room, and uber amounts of closests. Why one apartment would need that many closets is beyond me. But it's a great place. OH! And it has one of those fancy speaker things where you can talk to the person in the hallway. Yeah. Amazing, right? Ha ha. I love the little things.

But anyway...we're painting tonight. Living room is going to be this cranberry color, kitchen and hallways a light-ish tanbrownoffwhiteish kind of color, Katie's room an orange color, and my room a brighter-ish green. I'm thinking that I'm going to have an earthy feel for my room and decorate it myself. It's going to be rad. I've been checking out a lot of do it yourself websites and have gotten some pretty cool ideas from them. =] Pumped!

Not to mention I just bought a new QUEEN SIZE BED! Oh, and a brand spankin new couch and love seat! Damn. Thanks Dylan and Dylan's Dad for helping me out with those purchases  =]

So today is going to be a great day. Another great day.