
Forteeeeee Fiiivee

Tomorrow Im going to celebrate Easter with the fam. Should be a good time. Lots of great food, games, and family...ahh some of the best things in life. =]

So I have a job interview on Monday and I really hope that it goes well. Because if this I get this job, I will be able to quit my other TWO jobs and just stick to one job. You know how long it's been since I've had just one job?? Hell, I can't even recall. I've been working my ass off since I was able to drive, and have had a consistent job since. Ugh. Work work work. That seems to be all that I do, and can you guess where I'm at currently? Work. At least it's a slow night. Thank god.

What to blog about? Sometimes I feel kinda boring when I try to write a blog on here, like I have nothing going on in my life. Well I guess I really don't have too much that really goes on....which I shouldn't be complaining about, because I could have a lot of bad poo happening to me. Instead I have a whole lot of nothing going on, oh well.                

I will prove to you how boring and blah my life is...What did I do today? Well let me start at the beginning of my day.

I got off of work, from my 3rd shift job, at 7am. Drove home, then proceeded to lay down in bed. Before I was even able to cuddle up with my boyfriend to go to sleep, I get a phone call from a girl at work who wanted me to come in and work for her because, something blah blah with her kids. Ugh. And because I would feel guilty if I didn't go in, I went in at 10:30 am. So I maybe got a max of 45 minutes of blissful, yeah right, sleep. Worked, cut, and colored hair until 6pm tonight. Made a losey 30$ in tips, then drove home again. Cuddled under my blankets for a good two hour nap, and now I am at the, oh so great, 3rd shift job again until 7am. Joy. 

So that concludes my day. A whole lot of nothing-ness. But I have the next two entire days off, and yes I said, WHOLE days off. And two in a row to top that off! Oh em gee, I'm about to pee my pants with excitment. Ha ha.

This concludes my blogging until next time.


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