

Post number thirty-five and I have absolutely no idea what to write about...

It seems like it's easier to write about something..anything..when things aren't going as well as you would have liked in your life. And it's much more difficult when things are actually going how they should be for once.
And I'm definitely okay with things going the way they should, because it's rarely happened in my life.

I don't think many people read this blog anyway, so if I'm just rambling down a bunch of useless thoughts, I doubt that anyone will care =]

Well I've had short hair for about three weeks now, and I've gotten used to it. A little. I guess. Thanks to the reassurance from friends, family, and Dylan that is. Ha ha.
And with this whole hair fiasco, it makes me realize how much a person can rely on their appearance or assume that that's what makes them the individual they are. While this holds some truth to it, I dont think it's everything. And it's a little weird, I guess, how much emphasis people put on appearance. In all reality that's not how it should be, but *sigh*.
There are a lot of things in this world that shouldn't be how they really are. But what are you going to do about it?

Speaking of which. I just want to rant about something that's been bothering me lately...

I really loathe when someone constantly complains about something bad in their life or how they don't like this or they don't like that. Or that they're fat or they're lonely or blah blah. Well, why don't you do something about it already? I'm not going to give you advice on this and that, when you're not going to take it anyway. So, get over it. And do something to change your life.

Okay. Enough for now I suppose! =]

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