
Chapter 58ish

A new day is coming and I am full of life. 

And I so am. I know it's been like forever since I wrote a blog, and I know that each time I apologize for taking so long to write. But I've been insanely busy.

Well let me take that back. I really havent been that busy. I've just been working too much, and then by the time I get home, I'm kind of exhausted and too tired to write.

Which is lame, because I love writing. Well blogging, anyway. 

I love a lot of things lately. My life in general is pretty awesome. And it really has been for the past year or so. Yay! This is a nice change =] and one that I'm more than okay getting used to. So. 

Recent happenings:

I'm working at a salon in Baraboo. I love it. The girls I work with are pretty chill and easy enough to get along with. So i cant complain there. But weird happening. My ex's gf came in one day that I was working, wow what a awkward situation. Thank god I didnt have to cut her hair. ha ha. 

So yeah, work is good. I make bank and I'm not complaining. I'm paying my bills on time....well for the most part =]

I got a new, but used, car. It's red and super cute. And I love it. 

Still have the amazing boyfriend. Who is amazing if you didn't catch that the first time. 

Wow. I truly lead a boring life. 

Oh, I'm thinking about becoming vegan again. I just don't feel as healthy as I did last summer when I went vegan. And I'd like to lose a few lbs. Ugh.

Well I suppose that's about all for now. I wish there were more to write, but like I said. I lead an extremely boring and pretty routine life at the moment. 

Until next time....which will not be a couple months like it was this time. 

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