
Chapter 10

Ha ha. Kendall and myself at work. These are our foreign lady faces.

Well well...it's been a few days.

Ugh. I can't wait til I'm done with school. I'm so sick of it right now. It's just getting on my nerves.

Everything about it!
OH well.
So yes.

I just started this new diet thing. It's called the raw food diet. And it's just like it sounds. Basically I'm thinking about becoming vegan. No dairy, no meat, nothing cooked over 116 F. Yah, we'll see. I'm only on day 4. But going strong!

Have you read the Twilight Saga?
I'm in love with it. Oh.
I think I found my Edward Cullen. =] Maybe. teehee.

Welllll that's all the randoms I have for now!

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