


Things are going pretty good in my life at the moment. With one exception.

I now have short hair and I dont really like it. I don't have short hair on purpose though, it was definitely an accident. And the story to go along with it, is a pain in the butt.


Chapter 30

Wow, chapter 30. That's pretty crazy. Crazy to think that I started this side project not even a year ago and I'm only at 3o chapters. My life must be somewhat boring if that's all I've been able to write. Oh well.

So things are still going pretty well in life. And I don't have too many complaints. I hit a few rocky parts with a few things, but I'd like to think that all problems are solved.


I think I've said this before..But I like to think we're all put on this earth to love one another. I believe that is one of our very purposes for being alive. And I believe another one is to make someone else, as well as yourself, happy. I think that love and happiness coincide with one another and are very attainable in life. These are things that you don't have to to look for. They just happen. Fate has the upper hand in these things in life. And of course you have some control over them yourself...But for the most part, we should let 'nature run its course.'

What else is new and exciting in my life?

Well, I have recently attained a short hair cut. Not particularly by choice, but it works. And I'm still really getting used to it, but it works. I've never ever had short hair in my life. The shortest my hair has ever been, was roughly close to chin length. And now its shorter.

Things with the boyfriend are amazing =] <3>

I'm loving my new job as a hair stylist. When I went to beauty school, I liked doing hair okay. But it wasn't something that I thought I would grow to love. And now, I really do love it. And it helps that the place I work at is cool as hell.

And my friends are ridiculously amazing as usual.

So no complaints as of yet! Hooooooray!


Chapter 29

Just to keep up with this blog I suppose..

Things are going pretty well. I ran into a few obstacles here and there, but then again, that's normal. It's normal that I have such terrible luck. Because if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldnt have any kind of luck at all.
Sad, but true.

I'm working two jobs currently. Great Wolf Lodge and Cloud 9 Day Spa and Salon. Yup, now you can creep on me if you so desire. If you choose to creep on me at the salon, you better be spending some money and getting a hair cut then. And you better tip me, because I do a damn good job.
Off subject..

So two jobs, a boy, and a little life. NOt too bad indeed.



I've had extreme writer's block lately. And I doubt that anyone even reads my blog...But for those who do...I have extreme writer's block.


I have a boy. He's amazing. And he makes me unbelievably happy. Which is pretty rare to find. Actually, I've never found someone of the opposite sex, who makes me as happy as he does. Which is kind of scary for me. Well not so much scary, but different I suppose. I love it though. He's great. So thanks =]

The new year is going pretty well so far. I realize it just started and there's a whole lot left to the year, but as of late, I have no complaints. Which is a plus.

Besides the fact that I have an extreme case of insomnia. It's currently 3am and I have a job interview tomorrow at noon. I mean I'm used to going on like 4 or 5 hours of sleep, so it's not a big deal. But it would be extremely nice to be able to sleep more than that. And at a normal and decent time too. Ohhh well. I guess that's all the nonsense I have for now.

I'm hoping this writing block will lift soon, and I can scribble down tons and tons of nonsense soon.


chapter 27

Time for a story? I think so.
And I'm going to really leave out a lot of the facts, for the simple fact that this blog is not intended to be SUPER long..

I met a boy. And I really like him. Like a lot. And I dont want it to seem like I like a new boy all the time. Because that's the not the case.
I've like this boy for a while, well since the very first time I hung out with him. But he had a girlfriend, so it was a little hard to do anything about that. But things are different now, and I can't stop thinking about him. He's nothing short of amazing. He pretty much won my heart over without even trying. Wow.

Patience really is a virtue.

So, that's what's going on. Something great. For once. It's about damn time. =]