
chapter 17

Do you have any idea what it's like to be incredibly frustrated with your life at the moment?

YES?! Well me too. I'm there, and it sucks.
I can honestly say that I dont think I've ever been this frustrated in my life. Ever. I have so much poop going on at the moment, that it's driving me insane.

Not literally, but pretty close.

I have this thing going on with my family. And my brother is going to have to move in with me. Which is fine and everything, cause i love him to death, and would do absolutely anything for him, cause he's amazing. But I'm only 21, and I want to do amazing things. And go amazing places. So now I'm putting that on hold. Which, I'll get over eventually. And everything happens for a reason, so I'm thinking that this is just another one of life's lessons.
Oh, I let myself like this boy a little bit, and he turned out to be a dickhead. I will never understand men. This conclusion I have came to. They're mentally retarded in some way. So this boy said he liked me, and said he wanted to see eachother. Wtf does that even mean? Seeing eachother? Duh, I know who i see and dont see. I'm not blind. Why not call it dating? Whatever. So we're seeing eachother right? And then I find out he's like got something going on with this myspace chick. Wow, I dont feel like shit, being replace by some random chick on myspace. Nah, no big deal. So I tell him to kick rocks and well basically tell him he's like every other dude out there in this forsaken world. So congrats to you Criss. You're a minipulative jerk, who claims to be something different and claims to do this and do that, and blah blah, i have emotions and shit, and I'm sooo deep, and i've been hurt by girls so i would never do that to someone, and i dont do this and i dont do that, and blah blah, i care and i feel, and my hair makes me who i am, and i dont cheat and i dont lie, and i think youre awesome, but i dont want to talk to you anymore, and i want to tell you these things but mean none of them and blah blah blah blah. Quit feeding me full of your bullshit. Because that's all you did. Wow. okay.

I feel better. I literally just let out a sigh of relief.

Moving on. I'm almost finished with cosmo-freaking-tology college. Thank the stars. I'm ready to move on with my life.
I just need something amazing to happen. Soon. Please oh please. If you know of something awesome, or you are something awesome, happen to my life. ASAP. Like fifteen minutes ago. Please?

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