
fifty 1

I know that life is not meant to be easy. But I've been having a rough past few weeks...and it's no one's fault in particular, but my own. I'm just an over-analyzer and over-thinker. Maybe those are the same things, but you get my point.

And in over thinking everything, I stress myself out to no end. I doubt everything and second guess the good things I have in life. Which is never good. If something's not broken, why fix it? Right? Rightttt.

So I applied for an office job at the hotel I'm currently doing Night Audit at. I hope I get it because this 3rd shift business is really taking a toll on me. I think that 3rd shift messes with you mind and body...well actually I know that it does. It sucks. If youre ever thinking about getting a 3rd shift job, don't. Just take my advice, and don't do it. You miss soooo much.  While you're wide awake, everyone else isn't. And then when you need sleep, you don't want to sleep because you don't want to miss out on anything else that's going on. So then you become exhausted and overworked, stretched too thin, and crabby. It's not a good combination.

Cross you fingers for me. I want that job. I need that job.

My boyfriend leaves for basic training in like a month and a half. =[ It's going to be a hard 3 months without him. I'm going to miss him beyond belief, but I know that in the end it'll be worth it. It's just one of those poopy things you don't want to have to deal with, but really have no choice in the matter. So I'm going to suck it up and be strong.

Because that's what I do best. I suck it up and stay strong. That's what I try to do in everything really..whether or not that works out is something else.

I'm literally blogging to stay awake right now. 30 minutes left of this place, and then I can go home and cuddle in bed for roughly 40 minutes. Then I have to get up and get ready for job numero 2. A day a the salon. Yay. Joy. Ugh. Ha ha. Nah, it wont be soooo bad. I've been learning to love what I have. And at the moment I definitely do not love the salon, but I'm learning to like it to say the least. It's a work in progress. I just don't like the drama...aka bitching and etc...there. So I'm ignoring it for the time being.

Let's see, anything else of importance to write about? I have a new kitty =] Olivia. She's adorable.

Wow , I guess that's about it. I feel better already =]

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