

I don't want to sound super lame when I write this, and that may be how it comes out, but oh well right?


So, after watching New Moon 4 times, yes 4, there was a line in that movie that really stuck with me.

'Learn to love what's good for you'

Now this can be taken multiple ways...but here's the way I'd like to interpert it...

Say you have immense feelings for someone, we'll call him Edward =]
And Edward decides he doesnt want you anymore and moves far away. Leaving you heart broken and confused.

You feel like you've lost all hope and nothing can go right.
BUT then comes along this awesome indivual, we'll call him Jacob =]

And Jacob makes the pain go away and makes you sane.
Of course you could never love Jacob as much as you love Edward. But why not give him a chance?

After all, Edward left you alone and obviously didn't care as much as he said he did.
That's the impression I'm getting at least. So I think this Jacob character deserves a chance.

If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad for you. Right?

Let's hope I get Jacob to come into my life now. Pppplease???? =]

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