
Fifty something

It has been the longest night ever. Want to know why? I'm 5 mintutes away from finishing up my last 3rd shift job. Ever. And does it ever feel good.

=]   !!!!!!!! x 3500000000000



I know that my font colors don't match and that I think I may have numbered my chapters wrong, but oh well. And usually something like this would bother me until i fixed it...not today.

I am too tired to have a care in the world. I am burnt out and just physically and mentally drained. TO THE MAX. Tomorrow is my last day at Great Wolf Lodge. 6 years later, I am done. And it's never felt so great. Saturday is my last day at the salon I currently work at, and then I start a new salon job on Monday. So it's kind of like a fresh new start to really try and get out of this hump in my personal life I've been having lately.


I can't wait =]

What else is of importance? Hmmmm.

I'm still going back and forth with this damn insurance company. It's such a pain in the ass. But everything happens for a reason and I just need to keep remind myself of that.

Whoa whoa. I am spent.

I wish there were more to type here....but unfortunately I am a rather boring person and I don't have a lot to say.




I have nine minutes to bust out a blog before my shift is over at work, so here it goes.

Things have been going pretty smooth lately. I have successfully quit one a half jobs and gotten one and half new jobs. So that's what I like to call a win-win situation. My days are numbered at this hell hole hotel job, and I honestly couldn't be happier. I have thought numerous times about just not showing up for work and quitting, but there's something inside of me that says I'm too nice. So.

OH! The other night on my way to work, an old lady decided that it would be cool to side swipe my car and total it. Yup, out of the Ho Chunk parking lot...which is casino that spills onto a main highway, which I happened to be traveling on that night...pull this 78 year old woman in her minivan. Right into traffic, and even after I swurved waaaay out of the way to miss her, she still managed to find a way to hit me. Ugh, Ive never been in a car accident before, so let me tell you. It was not my favorite kind of experience. Boo. So I'm crossing my fingers, and hoping that everything works out, and I can get a vehicle and stop driving my grandpa's buick. ha ha.

Anyway, what else is new and of importance in my life.....tick...tock...tick...tock.

I have a kitten. And she likes to mawl my face with her kitten kisses/bites. It happens to be very painful...so I'm not quite sure if shes trying to murder me or cuddle me. But she's cute either way.

Dylan leaves in a couple weeks, and I'm pretty much dreading that day. 3 months. Wow. It better fly by.

Other than that, nothing else important to report on. And my 9 minutes are up!